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What hook to use when a page and all of its repeaters (and nested repeaters) have been saved?

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I have a page that has a two repeater fields.  Those two repeater fields have nested repeaters, etc.

I want to run a hook after the page has been saved, BUT only after all the repeaters and nested repeaters have been saved as well.

If I use addHookAfter on Pages::saved(template=mytemplate), the hook fires after the page is saved, but before all the repeaters and nester repeaters are saved.

What's the correct way to do this?

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Maybe use a nested hook?

$wire->addHookAfter(Pages::saved(template=repeater_parent_repeater), function($e){
    $e->addHookAfter(Pages::saved(template=repeater_nested_repeater), function($e){
		// ProcessWire magic!

Just be sure it's not executing in odd places. 

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