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Re-generate product variants not working


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Hi @kongondo,

I'm not sure if this worked before or it is broken since updating.

If I have a product that already has some variants, I can't seem to 'regenerate' additional variants. The button does not show. Could you check if this is the case? (I'm on version 11)

Next to that I'm also getting Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'length') from Inputfieldtextags.js when I have more then 1 Attribute selected.

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Hi @Spinbox,

9 hours ago, Spinbox said:

I'm not sure if this worked before

Has worked before 😃.

9 hours ago, Spinbox said:

I can't seem to 'regenerate' additional variants. The button does not show. Could you check if this is the case?

I'll have a look.

9 hours ago, Spinbox said:

I'm also getting Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'length') from Inputfieldtextags.js when I have more then 1 Attribute selected.

Strange. ProcessWire version?


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Hey @Spinbox, @seddass,

I have not been able to reproduce this (in Padloper 010). I can generate THEN regenerate variants. Fields settings for 'Selectable pages' works fine with the Padloper settings (i.e. padloper-attribute and padloper-attribute-option specified as templates respectively for the fields padloper_product_attributes and padloper_product_attributes_options respectively).

Site: Multilingual

Default Language: English

ProcessWire: 3.0.241

PHP: 8.2.2

Please let me know your environment details.

Edit: I do get a htmx 'selector not found in hx-include' JS warning but it doesn't affect anything. I'll fix this anyway


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On 12/3/2024 at 8:52 AM, Spinbox said:

Next to that I'm also getting Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'length') from Inputfieldtextags.js when I have more then 1 Attribute selected.

Haven't seen this too. I have 2 attributes (Colour and Size) with options of 3 colours and 3 sizes. I started with 2 colours and 2 sizes. I then regenerated by adding a 3rd colour and a 3rd size. No issues. Hmm...

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On 12/9/2024 at 7:24 PM, seddass said:

How so you are on a version 11? Isn't the latest v010?

Yes; version 010 is the latest 'release'. Spinbox is helping beta test the next version, i.e. 011 😃

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