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[Solved] Unable to load Latte @ v3.23.1


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Hello @bernhard,

I have just installed the RockFrontend update to v3.23.1 (form v3.21.2) in my dev environment.
Unfortunately, my Processwire frontend no longer works at all.

The whole thing has always worked without problems until now, my dev environment runs with ddev (Windows WSL2).

The problem occurs from v3.22.0 onwards.

Unable to load Latte

File: /site/modules/RockFrontend/RockFrontend.module.php:2390

2380:        // for regular page rendering we want the auto-prepend-layout feature
2381:        // but for RockPdf rendering we don't want it.
2382:        if ($this->noLayoutFile) $withLayout = false;
2383:        else {
2384:          $withLayout = $file === __DIR__ . "/default.latte"
2385:            || dirname($file) . "/" === $this->wire->config->paths->templates;
2386:        }
2388:        // load latte and return rendered file
2389:        $latte = $this->loadLatte($withLayout);
2390:        if (!$latte) throw new WireException("Unable to load Latte");

2391:        return $latte->renderToString($file, $vars);
2392:      }
2394:      /**

In the log file: rock‑frontend    29‑10‑2024 12:32:24  https://mypage.ddev.site/  Class "Latte\Engine" not found

When I install v3.21.2 again, everything works again without any problems.

Is there anything else that needs to be taken care of when configuring the new versions?

Thanks 🙂 

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Hi @zoeck thx for the report.

  On 10/29/2024 at 11:36 AM, zoeck said:

Is there anything else that needs to be taken care of when configuring the new versions?


That's definitely not intended. Otherwise I'd bumped the version to v4.0 to indicate a breaking change. There should be no changes necessary when upgrading the module.

Could you please look into this and let me know what you can find?

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  • zoeck changed the title to [Solved] Unable to load Latte @ v3.23.1

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