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Parsing SCSS files throws an exception (method "compileRF" missing?)


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Hi @bernhard

I have an older project where I am using SCSS instead of LESS files.

I want to make use of the SCSS parser function of RockFrontend.

1. I installed the SCSS module
2. I added this code to my ready.php:

/** @var Scss $scss */
$scss = $modules->get('Scss');

$watchFiles = $files->find(
    $config->paths->templates . "styles/css",
    ['extensions' => 'scss']

// compile input SCSS to output CSS
    input: $config->paths->templates . "styles/styles.scss",
    watch: $watchFiles,

3. My stylesheet is included like this:

<? $rockfrontend->styles()
  ->add($config->urls->templates . 'styles/styles.scss')

When opening the website in my browser I get this exception:


Method Scss::compileRF does not exist or is not callable in this context

By looking in the StylesArray.php in the RockFrontend module folder, line 293 I can see that this method is called here:

$compiler->compileRF($asset->basename, $cssFile, $cssPath, $asset->dir, $style, $sourcemap);

But the Method "compileRF" does not exist anywhere inside the RockFrontend folder.

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Hey @Stefanowitsch I'm not using SCSS in any project so I don't have a quick answer and I'd appreciate if you could debug this on your own and let me know if anything has to be changed in the module to make it work.

The SCSS support has been added by a PR: https://github.com/baumrock/RockFrontend/pull/29

Maybe you can ping the author about the problem?

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