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Weekly update – 6 September 2024


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I've got a lot of travel coming up in the weeks ahead, so there may be a few quieter-than-usual weeks in terms of core updates. I'll be in and out of town a few times, and I'm not much of a traveler, so will see how it goes. I'm not yet sure whether I can do work remotely, or what will be available in terms of internet access. There's a lot of client work to wrap up before hitting the road, so I've been focused on that this week and will have to next week as well. It's all ProcessWire related work though, so still having fun. There have been a few core updates this week, and there will likely continue to be in the coming weeks, but just not major core updates. By November hopefully all will be back to normal in terms of schedule. I'll be focused on getting a new main/master version out then. I also expect to have a new version of the CustomFields module (from last week's blog post) ready in the next week or so as well. Thanks for reading and have a great weekend! 

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