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Securing cookies

Ivan Gretsky

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Good day!

I've got one of my sites security checked and this is the stuff (they say) I need to fix:


Cookie-based Session Management configuration issues
1. Cookie utilizing the "Domain" attribute - The "domain" attribute enables cookies to be shared across multiple subdomains. This poses a risk as when
a subdomain is compromised, the attacker could potentially steal or manipulate cookies. Risk of cross-site attacks can be reduced by restricting the
cookie to a specific domain.
1. "__Host-"prefix not set - The __Host prefix mitigates cookie injection vulnerabilities within potential third-party software sharing the same second level
domain. It is an additional hardening on top of ‘normal’ same-site cookies.The __Host prefix mitigates cookie injection vulnerabilities within potential
third-party software sharing the same second level domain. It is an additional hardening on top of ‘normal’ same-site cookies.

  1. I can see that "Domain" is set to current domain that makes it the same as it was missing, but those who check do not know that. Can I remove Domain attribute from the cookie? It seems like I can't do it via config.
  2. As far as I understood reading this, I need to add "__host-" to all the cookie names. I can rename "wire" to "__host-wire" in config, but is there a way to apply it all cookies set by PW automatically? Or maybe I do not need it for anything but session cookie. Can't get my head around it ((


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@Ivan Gretsky I wish I had answers to your questions, but I'm mostly replying here out of curiosity for myself:

I'm a little confused here. Is the first item that they want you to remove the Domain attribute, or they want it added?

If they want it (Domain attribute) added, according to MDN, the "__Host- prefix [...] must not have a domain specified", though in your linked example, a domain is specified. That definitely confuses me. (Maybe MDN is wrong?)

As for how to modify those values in PW, I don't have an answer there. 😞

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