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Admin constantly refreshed


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Hi all. I have a weird issue with a PW installation. When I try to visit https://seniorenwinkel.nl/admin/ (where the CMS is located) the page constantly refreshes itself, adding a "?/r=" plus a timestamp. I'm pretty sure it's line 24 of ProcessLoging.js that keeps doing this. Question is... why? The comment above it says "force refresh of login form if 5 minutes go by without activity", but it's refreshing every SECOND for me. AFAIK this project hasn't been touched in weeks. This ONLY happens on the LIVE server and my DEV server remains unaffected. Does anyone know what is even going on? 😅 And how I could fix this?


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I was dealing with this very recently. Below is a link to another thread regarding this. I also made an additional change to the JS file mentioned below, but I don't have access to this code today. Can post tomorrow. This seems like it started happening after US daylight savings last hit...


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Alright, I just looked at what I did to address this and it looks like I just renamed the two files to ProcessLogin.js.bk and ProcessLogin.min.js.bk

This is, of course, not an elegant solution but it did solve the problem very quickly. I do recall now that I need to go into the server and see how the system time is setup relative to any php/pw settings that may be causing this problem systemically.

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