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Show "last modified by user" info in Frontend Edit Modal

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Hi @bernhard!

I don't know if this is a RockFrontend or RockPageBuilder related question (or maybe only PageFrontEdit?). But here we go:

In the PW backend I can see unter the "settings" tab of a page which user modified this page recently:


$modifiedFormatted = date("d.m.y H:i", $page->modified);
$lastModifiedByUser = $page->modifiedUser->name;

Is it possible to display this information when editing a RPB Block in a modal window, for example on the top?

Something like this:


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4 hours ago, bernhard said:

What do you think of showing a warning if the block has been modified < 5min by another user by default?

I just want to see which user did the latest changes on a specific block.

In the backend page tree I modified the view like this:


This works for pages but you can not see which page builder block (inside those pages) has been edited by which user.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here you go:


wire()->addHookAfter('ProcessPageEdit::buildForm', function ($event) {
  $page = $event->object->getPage();
  if (!$page instanceof \RockPageBuilder\Block) return;
  $form = $event->return;
  $user = $page->modifiedUser->name;
  $relativeTime = wire()->datetime->relativeTimeStr($page->modified);
    'type' => 'markup',
    'label' => 'Block Info',
    'icon' => 'clock-o',
    'value' => "Zuletzt bearbeitet von: $user ($relativeTime)",

This will show the info for all blocks, but you can define conditions as you need on the $page object.

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