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page disappears in frontend when link changes (url not updated)


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Hi everyone,

I am new to PW and have to deal with a website built on PW for my new company.
For the next weeks, I will only have access to the admin UI, but unfortunately not to php files etc (no ftp access yet). I already read a lot of introductions and tutorials, so I started to edit a few things that needed to be changed. Most of that worked out fine (PW is really easy to adjust to your needs). However, I stumbled across some issues that I could not solve. Hopefully you can give me a hint where to look next...:

There is parent page called "courses". Every course listed therein is a child page, having each a list of contact persons (one or more). There is also a flag/checkbox that says "contact person exists" and a text field labelled "contact person title" which is set to "contact person" (singular) by default. In frontend, there is a link on that specific course's page (child page). The link text is "contact person", and "/contact-person" is the link.

Now what I want to achieve is that whenever we have multiple contact persons, I would like to edit the field "contact person title", change its content to "contact persons" (plural) and have both the link and the link text in frontend changed accordingly. So far everything works fine. But: the (altered) link leads to a blank page now... Or, in other words: The page URL does not update together with the changed link and page title.

Could this be caused by some caching or redirect mechanism? 
(E.g. module PagePathHistory is installed, but I do not dare to "delete all page path history" at this stage...)

Thanks a lot for your thoughts!

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This is a bit of a long shot given your description and the fact you don’t have access to the php files but maybe this has to do with URL Segments ?

Head to Templates > Course (or whatever the template’s name is) and under the “URLs” tab have a look at “Which URL segments do you want to allow?” and add there the “contact-persons” segment on a new line (if “Allow URL segments?” is on, that is)

Edited by monollonom
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Hi @TomPich and thanks for your welcome and quick response!

When I change the field content for the title from "contact person" to "contact persons", the link succesfully changes from "/contact-person" to "/contact-persons" automatically in frontend, as does the link text. So that's working as expected. However, when I click/follow the link, a page opens - complete with the usual standard layout and navigation elements of the website, but without the main content defined for that page. When entering the old, former URL (/contact-person) manually, I see that the old content is still there.

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The only field that is related to page url is the field "name", not "title" or custom field. It's located under "Parameters" tab.

But you'll probably need to edit PHP code in template files, that depends on how the links are created.

Edited by da²
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@da² Thanks for your hint!

In this case, the child page ("/contact-person") is not directly accessible via admin ui. In the parameters tab, I can only edit the name/url of the course page, not of its assigned contact person(s) page.

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@Gideon So Great idea, thank you! Tried immediately, but unfortunately I have limited options to install a new module via admin UI.

As far as I can see, adding a module from URL requires changes to config.php beforehand (set debug mode to true)...
Thanks anyway for your suggestion!


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@Gideon So

4, and all of them require access to the file system in some way:

1) add module from folder/directory (available only in debug mode, requires changes to config.php)
2) add module from URL (same as above)
3) add uploaded module (same as above)
4) add module manually (requires access via FTP client) 

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