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missing extra field on image


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Hi there,

I'm using ProcessWire 3.0.229 and repeater matrix 0.1.1. 

I've got myself a repeater matrix in a repeater matrix – and inside there - an image field with an extra field 'caption'. This extra field doesn't show up in the repeater matrix:


The field is enabled:


and looks like this:


any ideas how to get it to work?

many thanks, J

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I think you need to click on the image to edit custom fields. Or switch to the detail view:


Also, does your caption field use a rich-text editor? Back when custom image fields were introduced, CKEditor was not supported, although much has changed since then. https://processwire.com/blog/posts/pw-3.0.142/#considerations-in-the-page-editor

Edited by Jan Romero
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