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Emptying the trash, delete Repeater content in all pages

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I'm facing a crazy problem. When I'm emptying the trash of a site from my customer, then all the content of a repeater, on all pages gets deleted. There are ~30 pages in the trash. All of them looking like Standard Text template pages. There is no repeater template page in the trash, from what I see.

The only special behaviour is, that the process of empty the trash takes very long. After I realized that all repeater content are gone, that makes sense for me.

How can I check which pages in the trash are maybe the reason for that, and how can I isolate that and "clean up the mess"? And what can I do, to prevent this in the future?


Some context:

The repeater have a TinyMCE, a "normal" textline-field and an image-field. The repeater is self placed in a RepeaterMatrix field. That latter is unaffected, and it happens on two separated RepeaterMatrix selection, so I don't think that is the root of the problem. (Discloser: I don't have support on it anymore)

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It sounds like someone however found those repeater item pages, that are usually hidden under admin somewhere, and deleted those. But on the other that doesn't make any sense at all. Look into those deleted pages, restore a few of them, and check their names, parents, templates.

Can you provide more details about those fields that are affected by it?


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I'm through all trash sites. There are 2 template type in it. One is text-template and the second one from a custom module. The latter are three pages.

The text template pages, have all the RepeaterMatrix block field, but not all have the problematic repeater field in it. And no of the trash pages hold in their repeater field the content of the non-trashed pages.

55 minutes ago, wbmnfktr said:

Can you provide more details about those fields that are affected by it?

Maybe an image is here better, in comparing of my language skill ^^


That image show how it looks before I empty the trash. After that, everything in the red square are gone. All repeater items are completely deleted. Doesn't matter if is 2 or 9.


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2 hours ago, Denis Schultz said:

Maybe an image is here better

They are always better. Especially in weird cases like this one.

I understand your issue, what you write, and everything, yet it doesn't make sense at all.

Those files in the trash somehow have to be the repeater items themself. They are deep down in the backend. See here:


That's for now the only explanation I have. Everything in your screens looks normal - as it would look in my setups.
One thing is different though. The repeater with the issues is indented.

  • Do you work with depth there or what is it?
  • Or is this a repeater in a repeater of some kind?

But there is one thing you mentioned that I can't check: the custom module

  • What does it do?
  • Who wrote it?
  • Can you check if that's deleting or managing any pages or something?
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23 hours ago, wbmnfktr said:
  • Do you work with depth there or what is it?
  • Or is this a repeater in a repeater of some kind?

It is a (normal core) Repeater in a RepeaterMatrix (ProField). The repeater itself is working without depth:


Only the content of the normal core repeater is affected (in red).


23 hours ago, wbmnfktr said:

But there is one thing you mentioned that I can't check: the custom module

  • What does it do?
  • Who wrote it?
  • Can you check if that's deleting or managing any pages or something?

It is a module of my own. I use it to help my coworkers to set some fields in one place. It doesn't touch the repeater field or any field that is in the repeater. It also does not add/remove fields. The only logic in it is to write field content in destined fields.

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To be frank... I absolutely don't know what's happening here when it's not that repeater-pages were trashed somehow by someone.

Would there be a way to get a copy of or access to that instance?

This is one of those problems you (at least I) have to play around with.

But I bet @ryan could throw in some guidance for sure. He must have seen everything by now.

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