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Weekly update – 17 May 2024

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This week we've bumped the ProcessWire dev branch version to 3.0.239. Relative to the previous version, this includes 15 commits. This version is required if you decide to test out the new PageEditChildren module, which has also been released in the ProFields board today. I'm not sure it'll remain in the ProFields set of modules, as it's not even a field. But after spending multiple days updating ProFields modules to be compatible with it (also posted today), I thought it was best to keep them together for the short term. It's easier for me to support that way at least. Longer term, it may even become a core module. 

There's also a couple other modules in ProFields right now that I'm planning to move into the modules directory and GitHub. These most likely include TextBlocks, AutoLinks, and potentially FunctionalFields. These modules have not required much in terms of support resources in awhile, so may not need to be part of ProFields any longer. Thanks for reading and have a great weekend! 

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@ryan while reading through https://processwire.com/blog/posts/text-blocks, I noticed the examples aren’t being shown:

Example of using Text Block template files

Here are processwire.com we use a Text Block template file for our ProcessWire download links. Below we've typed show_download and this in turn loads the file /site/templates/text-blocks/download.php. That file connects to GitHub, grabs the latest version information, and then generates these buttons you see below:


I think the reveal_download text should show the download buttons.  I also noticed that the Requirements listing isn’t showing.


Anyways, just thought you would like to know. Have a great weekend!

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@gmclelland Thanks, I actually don't have that module installed, I think it was removed when the site was rebuilt a few years back. I try and run a minimal module set and had uninstalled everything that wasn't used throughout the site. I've removed one example and updated the other on that page. 

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  • 2 weeks later...


Should the AutoLinks module not save all settings for ConfigurableModule interface? After saving it adds all links to articles, but the textarea with all provided terms is set to empty. After saving again all links are removed.

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@kuba Thanks for letting me know. Somehow I missed that during testing, but upon investigation it looks like I was using some old school configuration ideas in there that didn't make sense anymore. I was never able to observe the issue myself, but I bet it was related to that, combined with the other updates I made last week. I've gone through and refactored the whole configuration processes of the module up to modern standards so that it should work correctly now. I just tested it thoroughly in both single and multi-language mode again. Please let me know if you run into any other issues with it. 

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Hey @ryanThanks for the Autolinks module! I thought about making something like this :D but I am laughing at myself and my abilities.

Is there a dedicated Forum page for it (I couldn't find one), or will there be one? I wouldn't like to change the code manually because of future updates, but I would like to discuss some features I think the module should have, like adding an option for choosing templates (or excluding them) where it should work. It is uber important from an SEO point of view to control where links come from and to what pages. The architecture of inner linking is a really important signal.

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