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"Mark as Solution"? [Solved]

Michael Lenaghan

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I'm getting emails from the forum that say:



Did any of these replies answer your question? There may be more replies than those shown here.

Help others by going to the topic and use the 'Mark as Solution’ button on the post with the best answer.


If there is such a button, I promise to mark the answer that tells me where it is, because I can't find it. ?

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I can't find an Edit for the whole post, just for my individual posts. And when I click that Edit it takes me to a page where that post is the only thing I see; there are no replies.


I just did some searching. This Invision post says that the feature has to be enabled in each forum. This Invision post says that there was a bug causing email notifications to be sent out asking people to Mark as Solved when the feature was not enabled. (Fixed, maybe?) This is a post from here where someone asked the same question (sorry, I thought I searched!) and you asked the person to edit the title and add "[Solved]". So I think that's what I should do?

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