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Mysterious 404 GET request favicon.ico that isn't in templates?


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I don't have a request in templates for favicon.ico.

In Firefox inspector:

Request cookies are: 'adminer_key', 'adminer_sid', 'tracy-session', 'wire0s', 'wire1s', 'wire1s_challenge', 'wires', 'wires_challenge'.

Stack trace:

load	resource:///modules/FaviconLoader.jsm:180:20
load	resource:///modules/FaviconLoader.jsm:567:70
loadIcons	resource:///modules/FaviconLoader.jsm:645:26
onPageShow	resource:///modules/FaviconLoader.jsm:679:12
onHeadParsed	resource:///actors/LinkHandlerChild.sys.mjs:56:24
handleEvent	resource:///actors/LinkHandlerChild.sys.mjs:172:21

I don't know what those are. I did recently install and then afterward notice an odd commit and deleted the module -- https://github.com/FriendsOfProcessWire/FieldtypeLeafletMapMarker/commit/e57e9373e6cccb79fe89dfda00fec117624649f2

has a bunch of empty files? "Remove executable bit from files"? -- Sorry I just realized the permissions changed from 755 to 644...


Edited by hellomoto
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Maybe it's Firefox looking for favicon file automatically... It goes away if I indicate a favicon... Indicating a nonexistent one changes the stack trace to

load resource:///modules/FaviconLoader.jsm:180:20
load resource:///modules/FaviconLoader.jsm:567:70
loadIcons resource:///modules/FaviconLoader.jsm:645:26
FaviconLoader/this.iconTask< resource:///modules/FaviconLoader.jsm:621:18
_runTask resource://gre/modules/DeferredTask.sys.mjs:347:18
_timerCallback/< resource://gre/modules/DeferredTask.sys.mjs:318:20
_timerCallback resource://gre/modules/DeferredTask.sys.mjs:337:9
_startTimer/callback/< resource://gre/modules/DeferredTask.sys.mjs:185:18

Sorry this isn't quite insightful

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All browsers request a /favicon of some sort (.ico, .png, .gif, etc) - it's the icon that shows up in your browser's TAB to identify the website at quick glance. It may not be required, but you will always have a request, and if you don't include one, you'll also always get 404 errors in your webserver log files.

There are other files that browsers will automatically request. I often use a webservice to take care of (most) of them at once, such as https://realfavicongenerator.net/. Older browsers/devices may still request files that this service no longer generates for you, but thankfully those requests will slowly fade with time. 😁

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