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Why does WhatsApp not show a preview image for my site?


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We've just launched www.kollar.at and I'll share it in the showcase soon, but on all my latest websites I have the problem that WhatsApp will not grab the preview image from the og:image tag ? I've tried several things, but nothing seems to work. The strange thing is that facebook grabs the image correctly and on older websites I'm using the same tags (at least I think so) and it works.

This is how it looks like in the facebook linter:


This is how it looks on whatsapp:


This is how it should look like (from another project of mine):


What I already checked:

  • The image is publicly accessible
  • The image is at least (exactly) 1200x630
  • The image has < 300kb
  • It's not a caching issue - I've tried ...?v=1 etc
  • I've asked my AI and it didn't see any problems with the markup

As you can see in the screenshot the page description does also not show up.

I'm using ProCache, so I'm wondering if the minified markup might be a problem?

If anybody has ideas and can help I'd really appreciate that!

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Thx @Noboru your hint with the iphone is interesting. First I thought it might need some time to get the DNS records working properly, but still it's not working for me on my 2 android phones. @Stefanowitsch just sent me the link and it's working for him as well on his iphone.

Can anybody check on android please? ? And does anybody have an idea what could be the issue? As mentioned other links do work on my phones...

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