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Single Post Pagination with TOC


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Anybody know how to paginate one article and create a TOC to be shown on all subpages?

Reason I want this is to increase user engagement on site and reduce bounce rate. Rather than have one long article, I want to split the singel page into more pages and have an automatic table of contents appear within each page of the article.

I am aware that I could just split the article manually and have a custom template for pages built like that, but am asking here to see how you guys tackle this.

I think the following could be done but then I would have to create all individual pages, I rather just write the one long page and then go in and add the split page commands and have PW do the rest automatically.

So after the split it would show the following probably:

First the old situation

- page with one long article

- url-to-long-page

Now the situation I would like:

- url-to-long-page (but I added the split commands and then pw just adds a TOC and the following)

       - url-to-long-page/2

       - url-to-long-page/3

Hope this makes sense, if you want to see an example: http://clickbump.com/clickbump-menus/

And here it is explained: http://clickbump.com/toc/

Thnks all for a brilliant CMF!

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There are several options i guess. Have a look/read:




I'm not sure if there's talk about making TOC's in those threads but i think that would be fairly easy to code.

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Thanks SiNNuT,

It looks like it is possible, so that is definitely great!

Would anybody be able to do this and turn it into a module?

In the posts mentioned above I read some hesitation to use the pagination within articles/pages, but I would like to plead strongly in favor.

Visitor engagement is growing more and more important to get high search engine rankings and that is why I want it. Better visitor engagement leads to higher rankings (more is needed, but it definitely helps, ask anyone who was hit by the famous panda and recovered) and higher rankings leads to more visitors.And that is why I have sites: to get visitors to take action on.

So thanks for the help and I would love to hear there is a module doing this in PW!

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Thanks SiNNuT,

It looks like it is possible, so that is definitely great!

Would anybody be able to do this and turn it into a module?

In the posts mentioned above I read some hesitation to use the pagination within articles/pages, but I would like to plead strongly in favor.

Visitor engagement is growing more and more important to get high search engine rankings and that is why I want it. Better visitor engagement leads to higher rankings (more is needed, but it definitely helps, ask anyone who was hit by the famous panda and recovered) and higher rankings leads to more visitors.And that is why I have sites: to get visitors to take action on.

So thanks for the help and I would love to hear there is a module doing this in PW!

I'm no SEO expert but i can imagine there's some appeal to paginated blogposts/articles from this point of view. Personally i don't like it but that's from an end-user and usability perspective. It just seems so unnecessary and artificial in the web world to paginate stuff like this. Example: What if i wanted to print a paginated article? Native browser print is out of the window so you have to do some work to make a 'print this article' function. It just doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

Anyway, your need is perfectly acceptable and you don't need to make a plea. I don't think there is a module doing this and i don't think you need it. Choice a solution, be it via <!–nextpage–> in the body html or maybe via repeaters and put the logic i the corresponding template file.

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