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Weekly update – 8 September 2023


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This week there have been a few updates to the core on the dev branch, but nothing major. Next week I'll be bumping up the version to 3.0.227 and then likely merging back to the master/main branch again. While there aren't major updates relative to 3.0.226, that means there isn't a lot to test or break, so it makes sense to keep updating the main/master branch until we get into more significant updates on the dev branch. In addition to getting into more significant dev branch updates, I'm also planning to put out version updates on nearly all the Pro modules in the upcoming weeks. Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!

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@ryan Can ProCache be refactored in such a way that SCSSPHP and the other compilers are optional extensions, along with the ability to define our own compilers (ie, DartSass and TailwindCSS CLI)?  You mentioned something along those lines in a conversation we had in the ProCache forum and I think this would be a step in the right direction given how fast things in frontend web development move.

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