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PHP memory_limit


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I installed a new site. The installation was without problems except for one message:


PHP memory_limit is set to 64 MB - OK to continue, but at least 128 MB is recommended

I have continued the installation (ProcessWire 3.0.210) up to: Finished installing site profile, and log into the backend as usual. When I open the frontend, I have again the installer: ProcessWire 3.x Installer ...

The install.php is deleted, I checked it via FTP. What is going wrong here. I have already redone the installation twice. Why is the "ProcessWire 3.x Installer" called again? When I start "get started", I land on a part of my frontend. crazy, or?

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This is just a warning that the memory limit is to low. The site should run fine. A client of mine has the same warning with his shared hosting and doesn‘t want to upgrade.

Just check your image fields that images are resized during upload through the browser. I usually resize images to 2000px width or height, and 64Mb memory will be enough.

No need to go through the installer again!

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Well, then it is not due to the memory limit that the page is not displayed after installation.

After installation I can login to the backend, everything works as usual. I do the installation with the ProcessExportProfile module, I had never problems so far.
Now the frontend starts AFTER the installation WITH THE installation, like a loop. But all installation files were deleted during the installation as selected (checkbox default).
Therefore I always see:



ProcessWire 3.x Installer
Welcome. This tool will guide you through the installation process.

Thanks for choosing ProcessWire! If you downloaded this copy of ProcessWire from somewhere other than processwire.com or our GitHub page, please download a fresh copy before installing. If you need help or have questions during installation, please stop by our support board and we'll be glad to help.


The index file:

if(!defined("PROCESSWIRE")) define("PROCESSWIRE", 300); // index version
$rootPath = __DIR__;
if(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR != '/') $rootPath = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $rootPath);
$composerAutoloader = $rootPath . '/vendor/autoload.php'; // composer autoloader
if(file_exists($composerAutoloader)) require_once($composerAutoloader);
if(!class_exists("ProcessWire\\ProcessWire", false)) require_once("$rootPath/wire/core/ProcessWire.php");
$config = ProcessWire::buildConfig($rootPath);

if(!$config->dbName) {
    // If ProcessWire is not installed, go to the installer
    if(is_file("./install.php") && strtolower($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) == strtolower($config->urls->root)) {
    } else {
        header("HTTP/1.1 404 Page Not Found");
        echo "404 page not found (no site configuration or install.php available)";

$process = null;
$wire = null;

try {
    // Bootstrap ProcessWire's core and make the API available with $wire
    $wire = new ProcessWire($config);
    $process = $wire->modules->get('ProcessPageView'); /** @var ProcessPageView $process */
    $wire->wire('process', $process);
    echo $process->execute($config->internal);
    $config->internal ? $process->finished() : extract($wire->wire('all')->getArray());
} catch(\Exception $e) {
    // Formulate error message and send to the error handler
    if($process) $process->failed($e);
    $wire ? $wire->trackException($e) : $config->trackException($e);
    $errorMessage = "Exception: " . $e->getMessage() . " (in " . $e->getFile() . " line " . $e->getLine() . ")";
    if($config->debug || ($wire && $wire->user && $wire->user->isSuperuser())) $errorMessage .= "\n\n" . $e->getTraceAsString();
    trigger_error($errorMessage, E_USER_ERROR);

as already written, install.php was deleted at the end of the installation. I wonder where the installer now came from?

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4 hours ago, kaz said:

I do the installation with the ProcessExportProfile module, I had never problems so far.
Now the frontend starts AFTER the installation WITH THE installation, like a loop.

Oh, sorry, I must have missed that part...
Unfortunately I don't know anything about the ProcessExportProfile module.

4 hours ago, kaz said:

install.php was deleted at the end of the installation. I wonder where the installer now came from?

Webserver and browser sometimes cache stuff in a hysterical manner. If the file is gone, it is gone! Somebody got it in the cache.

I'm sorry, I am of no help ?

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It was the cache. I increased the cache up to 128 with a .user.ini file
after that, the page worked fine. Thanks for trying to help.

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