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How do I ADD a blog to my website without turning it into a blog? 


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The solutions that I have found so far are for people who want to use PW as a blog. That's not my case. I want to build a website with hundreds of static pages and a blog section with different categories.

What are your setup suggestions for that?


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by “static pages” do you mean statically served HTML files generated outside of ProcessWire? Or do you want to add a blog to an existing ProcessWire site? I see you’ve been here for several months, so I’m assuming you’re somwhat familiar with PW. It should be a breeze to get a blog going. At its barest, it’s just a template with a title and a body field. For categories, there are different approaches you can go with, depending on how structured you want your data to be. Some blogs just have free-form textual tags, some have fixed categories that work like subdirectories, or anything in-between. Is there anything in particular you’re thinking about?

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I've been on and off with PW. The thing is that I want to move our site, which is on Webflow, to PW. I got through all the pages; the last thing now is the blog. Webflow has a "CMS" feature that is separate from the static pages. I would like to have something similar to it. I'm playing with the module ProcessBlog by @kongondo. It seems to be exactly what I need, but the plugin hasn't been updated for a while. I'm wondering if there are any that I need to be aware of if I want to use that.

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