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What is and how to set the 'Editor protocol handler' for NetBeans?


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In module settings of Tracy Debugger there is the field "Editor protocol handler" where you can set the Tracy Debugger::$editor variable:


I done some research to set it for NetBeans, without success.

What is the editor protocol handler for NetBeans (if any) and how to set it in Tracy Debugger module settings?


I'm using Apache NetBeans 16 running on Mac OS Ventura 13.0.
Folder of NetBeans is /Applications/NetBeans/Apache NetBeans 16.app
Folder of my project files is /Users/<MyMacOSUserName>/NetBeansProjects/<MyProjectFolder>

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  • LAPS changed the title to What is and how to set the 'Editor protocol handler' for NetBeans?

@adrian I tried to set

Editor protocol handler:
Local root path:

That in the Tracy panel outputs the link (which seems to be correct) as follows:

But when I click on the link in the Tracy panel, NetBeans doesn't open and in the browser console I get the error message:
Failed to launch 'netbeans://open?file=netbeans://open?file=/Users/<MyMacOSUserName>/NetBeansProjects/<MyProjectFolder>/site/templates/template-name.php&line=139' because the scheme does not have a registered handler.

There is no guide about NetBeans for Mac. Probably NetBeans and/or Mac aren't configured well.  


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Maybe something useful in one of these? They aren't Netbeans specific but seem to explain how to configure custom ones.

or maybe you could use this as a starting point to write one for Netbeans? https://github.com/inopinatus/sublime_url


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@adrian, thank for pointing me out to a possible solution.

I'm trying SwiftDefaultApps and added the 'netbeans' URI Scheme to it. Now, when I click on the link in the Tracy panel the NetBeans app opens but the file (and the line) doesn't open.

In Tracy Debugger module settings, I tried to set 'Editor protocol handler' as follows:


... and some more, without success.

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