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ProcessWire 2.3 Testing


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Yes, the current version of FormBuilder (0.2.2) is compatible with both dev and stable. 

When using the dev branch on a live site, understand that stuff gets pushed to the branch that has only been tested by myself and in my environment. So you'll want to test upgrades on a staging server (like your own computer) before migrating to live. Test that all key functionality in your site still works the way you intend.  I also recommend giving yourself a way to step back a minor version if you ever need to. I do this by moving the previous version's /wire/ dir to a versioned one, like ".wire-2.3.3a". You want to precede it with a period just so that the directory is not web accessible. But that gives you a way to step back to the previous version, just in case (though can't say I've ever had to). 

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I'am starting a new project next month and I will buy FormBuilder for that one.

Also Installed 2.3.5 ProcessWire-dev.zip two days ago and congratulations on a great update, to you and all the forums' members testing it. 

I hope I can contribute to test the dev version too, here: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/3768-processwire-231-dev-branch/

Great detailed explanation and great tip too, Thanks Ryan!! :

  I also recommend giving yourself a way to step back a minor version if you ever need to. I do this by moving the previous version's /wire/ dir to a versioned one, like ".wire-2.3.3a". You want to precede it with a period just so that the directory is not web accessible. But that gives you a way to step back to the previous version, just in case (though can't say I've ever had to). 

Sorry for being a little off topic. Thanks again.

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