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Admin links are broken after migrating


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I just moved the whole Processwire installation from the dev folder to the production folder and everything works well except for the top link in the admin (Page, Setups, Modules, Access). Those still points to the old folder.

More precisely: the previous locaiton of the install was domain.com/pw/ not it is domain.com/, but  the links point to domain.com/pw/processwire/page instead of  domain.com/pw/page.

I read some previous posts with the same issue, but non of the fixes really helped.
Thank you for your support!

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Check this:

  • in the .htaccess the "RewriteBase" ... should be "/"
  • in site/config.php the $config->httpHosts entries ... is the url entered correctly
  • in site/config.php set the $config->debug to "true" to get further error messages
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Thank @tires, changing the .htaccess did it for me.
But turns out my overview on the issue was limited. My client actually set the folder i thought to be public-html as a subfolder. So basically the processwire is installed here:


and public-html has this .htaccess:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www\.)?domain\.com$ [NC]
RewriteRule !^2022/ /2022%{REQUEST_URI} [L,NC]

What happens when I visit domain.com is that I get a 404 error from proceswire (the template is loaded, but on a 404 error page instead of home).

Our goal is for the end user to visit domain.com and be redirected to domain.com/2022/ without the "2022" showing in the url.

Thanks again and sorry for going a bit off-topic

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