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Installation error: Unknown MySQL server host 'Config'


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I've tried installing ProcessWire twice (via git) on a production CentOS server to which I have complete access.  Both times the installation script seems to run fine, but in the end when I try to view the site or login I get this error:

Error Exception: DB connect error 2005 - Unknown MySQL server host 'Config' (1) (in /www/<server name removed>/ProcessWire/wire/core/ProcessWire.php line 96)

From what I can see, line 96 starts with "throw New WireDatabaseException" and had no reference to Config.

Can anyone provide some direction on how to troubleshoot this?



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Hi steve and welcome!

Sounds like for some reason the Database Host is not recognized.

Can you check those database settings in /site/config.php (at the bottom of the file):

Is everything correct there?

$config->dbHost = '';
$config->dbName = '';
$config->dbUser = '';
$config->dbPass = '';
$config->dbPort = '';
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Here are the settings from config.php:

$config->dbHost = 'localhost';$config->dbName = 'pw';$config->dbUser = 'pw';$config->dbPass = ''; /** Removed */$config->dbPort = '3306';

I checked and mysqld is running and the installer did not complain about not being able to reach the database.

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Steve, your config.php looks pretty much as would be expected. Does your mySQL setup use 'localhost' etc? I have seen setups where you need to connect via a db name and a system username, rather than the usual stuff.

What mySQL & PHP versions are you on?

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PHP is version 5.3.3, MySQL is 5.1.67, and the MySQL port number is 3306.  I checked and the mysqld process is indeed listening on that port.

I don't think the firewall is open for port 3306, but I was thinking it didn't need to be, since everything is happening locally except the client browser access.  Do I need to open the firewall on that port?


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I'm able to reproduce that error message, but only with a broken config. If $config-variable is an object but $config->dbHost evaluates to false, I'm facing the same message (this piece of code here: https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/blob/master/wire/core/Database.php#L62). It's a Config-object represented as a string --> 'Config'.

@sbarner: So, are you certain you've got exactly this in your config? It's case-sensitive ("dbHost" I mean).

$config->dbHost = 'localhost';

And there's nothing else affecting $config->dbHost after that? One possibility would be an if-clause with assignment instead of comparison, something like this:

// this would break things up!
if($config->dbHost = '') {
  // do something different for one environment, or whatever
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First confirm that you can resolve localhost. From a shell prompt,  ping localhost. If you don't resolve the name, confirm that there is an entry in /etc/hosts

If localhost resolves, and the MySQL server is running, validate a db connection by simply using the mySQL command line client. 

$> mysql -h host -u user -p 

Where host is localhost and user is a valid user account.  Can you connect?

If you can connect, can you use the DB you created for ProcessWire?

Following this procedure would isolate the issue. 

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