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Updating Language Translations via API


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I've got a scenario where I use ProcessWire as a CRM for a client and they have several companies using this now, so it's important to be able to update things easily across all installations.

A tricky one recently was working out how to manage translations via API to avoid going into several installations, enabling language support and translating the file manually (in this case they wanted to tweak a message in LRP's confirmation routine).

  1. On your master installation, do your translation as normal
  2. Export to CSV
  3. Upload the CSV file somewhere where your updater code can reference it - I created a folder in site/assets called "uploads" for some CRM-specific stuff, so I added another folder under there for '
  4. Use code similar to the below in your updater script on other installations to first create the JSON file to be translated (it may not already exist) and then import your CSV file and tidy up afterwards - something like the below:
$this->modules->refresh(); // I've found this helps first, mostly for modules that have just been pushed to the Git repo but doesn't hurt to do it every time
$this->modules->install('LanguageSupport'); // This wasn't yet installed

$languages = $this->wire()->languages;
$default = $languages->get('default'); // We only use the default language as it's only for the UK market
$default->of(false); // It will complain without outputformatting switched off under some scenarios

$translator = new LanguageTranslator($default);
$translator->addFileToTranslate('site/modules/LoginRegisterPro/LoginRegisterProConfirm.php'); // This generates the JSON file that you would see in PW on the translations page
$languages->importTranslationsFile($default, $this->config->paths->assets . 'uploads/imports/default-site.csv'); // This imports the CSV we exported from our master installation

unlink($this->config->paths->assets . 'uploads/imports/default-site.csv'); // And we don't need the file afterwards

I appreciate it's not a particularly in-depth tutorial, but may help someone out there with a similar need.

Our CRM installations are all on an Amazon EC2 instance under separate subdomains, so separate databases too and there's a shell script I use to iterate all the installation folders, get the latest updates from the Github repo and then run an updater script that will do more complex updates like the above code or perhaps alter tables etc. This may get trickier in future if we shift to using something like Docker, or that may make life easier, but at the moment this is all nicely manageable the way it is.

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