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Global tinymce config


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Welcome to the forums. 

You could modify the attributes of the /ProcessWire/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldTinyMCE/InputfieldTinyMCE.module in the core,  but your modifications would be overwritten on subsequent updates of Processwire.

The better choice would be to copy the InputfieldTinyMCE module to /sites/modules and update the name of the directory as well as edit the InputfieldTinyMCE.module. 

Then use your new new input field with the new settings. 

Or add the changes in each fields' input settings tab.. 

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That makes sense, I looked at editing the main module file but it seemed like it only would apply to newly created instances of the field. Which is fine as along as I know ahead of time. Setting it up as a new site module is great idea, thanks!

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Just wonder how many tinymce fields you got? I isually need 2-3 max for a complex site. And theyre different in config anyway. If theyre not you're doing something wrong.

Copy InputfieldTinyMCE would be possible but can be cumbersome as you need to maintain it for yourself.

If its for thing like theme settings you can overwrite it in the admin template for all tinymces with a little js extending the config var.

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If you want you can create a bootstrap, or in a template, and use API to change all TinyMCE fields settings.



$fields = wire("fields")->find("name*=tinymce_");
foreach($fields as $field) {
    $field->theme_advanced_buttons3 = "table|bold";
    $field->custom = "theme:advanced";
    $field->thirdparty = "bramus: /site/tinymce/bramus_cssextras";
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Some great suggestions from the guys above. But the reality is that unless you've got a whole lot of TinyMCE fields, the least time consuming thing to do would just be to edit the fields individually and update for whatever settings you want. Keep a window open with your original copy so you can copy/paste between them. 

Another thing is that if all these textarea/tinymce fields really do share the same settings, why have so many? Unless they are all being used on the same template, you'd derive more benefit by reusing the same field on all the templates where you need the same TinyMCE settings. Soma is right that it's pretty unusual to have more than 1-3 TinyMCE fields total, even a large site. 

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  • 2 months later...

Love your idea, Soma. I created a php file in the root of my site called tinymce.php which I can edit and then simply load in the browser www.mysite.com/tinymce.php to send all of the changes to all my tinyMCE fields. Here's my code for anyone who might be confused by this:


$fields = wire("fields")->find("name=body|sidebar|introduction|affiliates");

foreach($fields as $field) {
    $field->theme_advanced_buttons1 = "formatselect,|,styleselect,styleprops,|,fontsizeselect,forecolor,|,bold,italic,underline,strikethrough,|,hr,|,justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright,|,bullist,numlist,|,indent,outdent,nonbreaking";
    $field->theme_advanced_buttons2 = "undo,redo,|,tablecontrols,|,pastetext,|,link,unlink,anchor,|,image,|,replace,|,removeformat,|,code,|,fullscreen";
    $field->theme_advanced_buttons3 = "";
    $field->theme_advanced_blockformats = "p,h2,h3,h4";
    $field->plugins = "inlinepopups,safari,media,paste,fullscreen,table,nonbreaking,searchreplace,style";
    $field->valid_elements = "*[*]";
    $field->content_css = "/site/templates/styles/content.css";
    $field->custom = 
    	"theme_advanced_styles:Test Style=test
    $field->thirdparty = "";

The name=body|sidebar|introduction|affiliates  line selects all of my tinymce fields by name (Soma's example assumed that your tinymce fields all had tinymce_ prefixes on them, which mine do not, so I am just listing all of them out instead). It then loops through each matching field and updates each setting. Pretty cool!

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  • 3 weeks later...

NOTE: Here is an updated/more advanced version of the script I posted below.

And here's one for updating the CKEditor, if you're using that instead of tinyMCE:


$fields = wire("fields")->find("name=body|intro|sidebar");

foreach($fields as $field) {
    $field->toolbar = "
    	Format, Bold, Italic, -, RemoveFormat
    	NumberedList, BulletedList, -, Blockquote
    	PWLink, Unlink
    	PWImage, Table, HorizontalRule, SpecialChar
    	PasteText, PasteFromWord
    	Scayt, -, Sourcedialog
    $field->inlineMode = "0";
    $field->contentsCss = "/site/templates/styles/contents.css";
    $field->stylesSet = "";
    $field->extraPlugins = "pwimage,pwlink,sourcedialog";
    $field->removePlugins = "image,link";

CKEditor is now updated.
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  • 7 months later...

Love your idea, Soma. I created a php file in the root of my site called tinymce.php which I can edit and then simply load in the browser www.mysite.com/tinymce.php to send all of the changes to all my tinyMCE fields. Here's my code for anyone who might be confused by this:


$fields = wire("fields")->find("name=body|sidebar|introduction|affiliates");

foreach($fields as $field) {
    $field->theme_advanced_buttons1 = "formatselect,|,styleselect,styleprops,|,fontsizeselect,forecolor,|,bold,italic,underline,strikethrough,|,hr,|,justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright,|,bullist,numlist,|,indent,outdent,nonbreaking";
    $field->theme_advanced_buttons2 = "undo,redo,|,tablecontrols,|,pastetext,|,link,unlink,anchor,|,image,|,replace,|,removeformat,|,code,|,fullscreen";
    $field->theme_advanced_buttons3 = "";
    $field->theme_advanced_blockformats = "p,h2,h3,h4";
    $field->plugins = "inlinepopups,safari,media,paste,fullscreen,table,nonbreaking,searchreplace,style";
    $field->valid_elements = "*[*]";
    $field->content_css = "/site/templates/styles/content.css";
    $field->custom = 
    	"theme_advanced_styles:Test Style=test
    $field->thirdparty = "";

The name=body|sidebar|introduction|affiliates  line selects all of my tinymce fields by name (Soma's example assumed that your tinymce fields all had tinymce_ prefixes on them, which mine do not, so I am just listing all of them out instead). It then loops through each matching field and updates each setting. Pretty cool!

Hi, I did the same step. I make the tinymce.php file and I place it on the root of my files in my case is XAMPP. I run the site  localhost/mysite/tinymce.php  but I still see the same bar without the more functons. I think there is something I doing wrong. Do I have to edit and/or add another file in order to achive the same result as yours?

Can you please help?


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