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Time limited share link


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Hello. I've made an online photo gallery with albums and like to share some of the albums from time to time by providing a link that I email to selected people. I've made a page that acts as what I call an external viewer for this purpose. It takes a url with parameters to build a gallery from it. Now I'd like to be able to make this link time limited and what has come to mind is to generate a token and date/time  that is stored as a field and may be compared to the link when someone attempts to view the shared link. If the token is valid then the date/time is checked to see if it's still current and access is allowed or not. Do you think this is a good way to handle this feature and is there anything in ProcessWire that can help me implement this that would help me?

Many thanks for all your knowledge here!


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Hello @rushy,

I have made something similar for a project:

Users can select some media files from a media-center and share their collection via a link. For this I have a page where I first store their collection in the LocalStorage or in a cookie and the users then can share their link with a form that creates a new hidden page storing this selection in a Page Reference field. This page will be automatically deleted after a month. You can have a look here at this function here (you can add files with the cart symbol). If you want to I can share some of my code.

If you want to share only one page then maybe you should store the shared links in a repeater and automatically delete the repeater items after some time.

Regards, Andreas

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3 hours ago, AndZyk said:

Hello @rushy,

I have made something similar for a project:

Users can select some media files from a media-center and share their collection via a link. For this I have a page where I first store their collection in the LocalStorage or in a cookie and the users then can share their link with a form that creates a new hidden page storing this selection in a Page Reference field. This page will be automatically deleted after a month. You can have a look here at this function here (you can add files with the cart symbol). If you want to I can share some of my code.

If you want to share only one page then maybe you should store the shared links in a repeater and automatically delete the repeater items after some time.

Regards, Andreas

Thank you Andreas. That is very slick and impressive! I hadn't thought of creating a hidden page for selections and time limiting the page. I think it could work for my images too. I'll have to explore Page References too as I never used them before. Paul

2 hours ago, bernhard said:

Yep, RockToken can help here ? 


Thanks for the heads up. I will take a look at this. Paul

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