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Hook replace fails occasionaly


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I have nasty problem that I am having hard time debugging.

I have two modules. First one is called TapuFormsProcessing and it has this method:

public function ___getEventPrice() {
	$price = $this->event->price;
	return $price;

Other one is autoload module that needs to replace that value if certain circumstances are met. This is singular and autoload and has one hook:

public function init() {
	$this->addHookBefore('TapuFormsProcess::getEventPrice', $this, 'martatPrice'); 

This "martatPrice" method is little bit complicated than that - but I have only relevant stuff here:

public function martatPrice(HookEvent $event) {

	if ( ! $this->session->reg_id > 0) return;

	$page = wire('pages')->get($this->session->reg_id);

	if ($page->id) {
		if ($page->price_member > 0 || $page->price_member === 0) {
			$log = new FileLog($this->config->paths->logs . 'customprice.txt');
			$log->save("$page->title ($page->id): $page->price_member ({$this->session->reg_id})"); 
			$event->replace = true;
			$event->return = $page->price_member;

What is weird here is that what goes to log is always right. So the logic (that I have mostly stripped there) works right. But sometimes that replaced method still returns the original price. I am little stuck since I don't know how to debug this.

I tried to remove $event->replace and change it to after hook - but then it never modified the return value on TapuFormsProcess::getEventPrice. Not sure if I missed something simple on there? 

I am using templates cache (but not on these event templates), other one of the modules is symlinked, both modules use session data (though those are always right based on logs)... I don't know if those can affect it, since I don't really now how the hook system works. Of course (and probably) the bug is somewhere else than in hook system - but I have hard time debugging that.

This is how TapuFormsProcess() uses it's own method:

$price = $this->getEventPrice();
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I think I found the problem (after three days of debugging). Sometimes writing down the problem helps most.

It doesn't have anything to do with the hook system. I just have another call for the hooked method - that is why the log works. Sorry for wasting your time (if anyone already read this).

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