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Get file path relative to index.php


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I've got some code that gets run from various locations and the file path is stored in PW (since it varies depending on the environment). I want to be able to store a single setting that works across all environments. The problem is sometimes it's called from init.php and other times from a template. So if my setting is ../data/, this will result in things like:


I.e. different locations when the data is always in the same place.

What would be ideal is if I can get a file path that is always from the main index.php folder (/MyPWSite/ if you go by the above example) regardless of what point in the application it's called. I've searched for this and can't find it. Is there a variable I can use?

I've not really tested it but in PHP something like this would do it:


I just wondered if there was already something in the PW API.

Thanks. ?

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