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ProcessWire as a full featured blog/tumblr?


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I'm working for a client and ProcessWire might be a good choice. But part of the website is gonna be a tumblr-style blog.

1. In WordPress I would do Blog with post formats, each post format would get a own theme. Can I do something similiar with ProcessWire?

2. If i had a blog running with ProcessWire, how well is the tree-architecture? If I had hundreds of blog-posts with different categories, they all within PWs tree? No opportunity to sort by category/date/tag/title? So it's gonna be a mess to look at old entries, right?

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Creating a Blog with PW is just as easy as creating a new page template.

Just take a look into the profile download section, Ryan added a Blog Profile there. 


And of course you could assign a unique template for each blogpost. 

Maybe you create dependencies on Categories, depends on the Category where the post will be published you set the given template which could be choose by the Author. 

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1. Create a separate template file for each post format and assign that template file to corresponding templates within the processwire admin. Eg (news-post.php, review-post.php, sport-post.php etc.)

2. Do you only need this for the admin? I would have created a separate template called "browse-posts" and build a simple search function within it's template file (which would be browse-posts.php).

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As told by Luis and woop, it would be very easy to build this in pw.

But if you want to take advantage of tumblr's social features and great interface, you should also consider having a tumblr blog and integrating it with pw. The tumblr API is very easy to use, and makes it very simple to integrate the blog in your own page http://www.tumblr.com/api_docs. There's even a php application that makes it even easier https://code.google.com/p/phptumblr/. Another solution would be to assume that the blog is a different part of the site, and have it on tumblr with a custom domain (ex: blog.domain.com) and in the site's navigation.

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