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Pagination STOPS working (delivers a 404 error) after upgrading PW Core (Dev) from 3.0.172 to 3.0.173


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Pagination usually works just fine. I had 2 identical production sites - I was updating code in one when I found the pagination for a publication library was not working.

MarkupPagerNav was the same in both (image 1) 
But the Dev version was different. (image 2)  3.0.173 was NOT paginating
Pagination was working in the one with the older DEV (image 3) 3.0.172
Until I updated that installtion to 3.0.173
After the update it delivers the correct URL, but a 404 page (image 4) 

I rolled back the update to DEV 3.0.172 (image 5)  and pagination is working fine...

So... fixing this is above my pay grade ?


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I do not use the pagination function, but I had similar issues with my AppApi module, that resulted in a 404 error in ProcessWire versions >= 1.0.173. So maybe it is related to it?

The short version is: wire('input')->url no longer returns the requested url in the hook function I use, but only "/http404/" in the new ProcessWire versions.  So in my module I now use $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], which works. I couldn't find anything yet with a quick look in the MarkupPagerNav class, but maybe it will help you or @ryan to find a solution...

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10 minutes ago, Sebi said:

I do not use the pagination function, but I had similar issues with my AppApi module, that resulted in a 404 error in ProcessWire versions >= 1.0.173. So maybe it is related to it?

The short version is: wire('input')->url no longer returns the requested url in the hook function I use, but only "/http404/" in the new ProcessWire versions.  So in my module I now use $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], which works. I couldn't find anything yet with a quick look in the MarkupPagerNav class, but maybe it will help you or @ryan to find a solution...



In addition, in 3.0.174 URL/path hooks can now have control even after a Page (template file) throws its own 404, whether by wire404() or throw new Wire404Exception(). I found this was necessary because it is possible to enable URL segments for your homepage template. And, depending on your homepage template settings, that means it is possible for the homepage to be the recipient of all URLs that don't match pages. This would leave no opportunity for URL/path hooks to execute. So now ProcessWire gives URL/path hooks another opportunity to run if it matches the URL, even after a 404 is thrown from a Page template file. 

Might this solve the problem?

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