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pagination with table rows


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I'm having troubles creating a pagination with rows from a ProFields table.

$indices = array('title', 'address', 'country'); // those are the fields that I want to search
$matches = new PaginatedArray;
$category = 'whatever';
$limit = 'limit=25';
$o = '~%='; // the operator :D 
$q = 'whatever';

foreach ($indices as $i) :
    $items = $page->table("$i$o$q, category~%=$category");
    foreach ($rows as$r) :

This works it filters alright with both criteria. I have to do this looping, many other ways failed because multiple selectors don't work with ProFields Table, at least for now.

But I can't get it to paginate one way or the other.

$pager = $modules->get("MarkupPagerNav"); ?>
<div><?php $pager->render($results, $options)?></div>

Thanks for help!

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but here is a general question:

When I created a

new PaginatedArray;

and then

->add($differentItems) // to it, pages and table rows, doesn't matter (or does it?)

Then I want to 

echo $pager->render($rowsAndPages, $options) // but this doesn't work

do I use


and if so, do I do that before I add the items or after they've been added? Anyhow, page just won't paginate.

Thanks for help.

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