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Trying to convert to markup regions - blank output NOT Tracy


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So I'm running into a weird issue and I don't know what I am doing wrong exactly.

I'm trying to convert a site from delayed output to markup regions.

I've tried separating out some of the original parts between the three files:

_init.php - I am using an init because I have a few config variables and other bits that are used to pull global links for css and other bits.

home-page.php - which is where I plan on working through regions based on the home page content sections that are special.

_main.php - here I haven't really changed much. It's got a namespace and does refer to some values from the page object, but nothing fancy. Generic scaffolding. There are echo commands in there, but based on the example Regular profile that seems to be fine.

As soon as I made this separation, I loaded a view using the template and got a white screen - granted, I usually know what that means, but then I see Tracy has loaded!

I go through the template info, it has loaded all of what you would expect. No php errors showing and so I am totally lost.

I've even tried just running simple output in the template file - a print_r or an echo. Nothing.

If I disable loading the init, I get php errors because the variables I'm trying to call are not defined, nothing shocking there.

But if I include the files, I get blank output - no HTML at all. But I get Tracy at the bottom and I can access object properties/arrays etc within the page context from the console.

The only thing I guess that is weird, and I will try digging into this, is that I don't actually have any markup regions defined with ids anywhere yet. Because I'm just starting the conversion.

Is there a step I am missing someplace that is keeping the HTML markup in _main.php from showing up - just being blank?

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