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Site put live -> Fatal Error


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Dear community

I have put a site live by FTPing files, copying database, updating config, emptying cache DB table. But I now have this:

Fatal Error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function execute() on null in /var/www/vhosts/mydomain.com/httpdocs/index.php:55

Can anyone help please?

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2 hours ago, Dean said:

Can anyone help please?

That line wants to execute ProcessPageView. The error means that line 53 returned null:

$process = $wire->modules->get('ProcessPageView'); /** @var ProcessPageView $process */

My guess is that files were either not transferred correctly, or fully or were corrupted. FTP can be notorious for converting files on route! (ASCII vs Binary)

I'd suggests this:

  1. Upload a zip of ProcessWire
  2. Unzip the files when they are on the server
  3. Install ProcessWire
  4. Upload a zip with the file assets
  5. Unzip the assets
  6. Do the database import


  1. Install ProcessWire on the server using this script by Soma (you might need to edit it first)
  2. Follow steps #3 - 6 above

Later, you can sort out your FTP file transfer settings.

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Many thank-yous @kongondo. The site is now working. Kind of. For some reason ProcessWire is showing as the crummy old version (see screenshot), yet I'm using v3.0.148. And the pages aren't showing on /processwire/page/. Everything else seems fine.


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13 hours ago, Dean said:

For some reason ProcessWire is showing as the crummy old version (see screenshot), yet I'm using v3.0.148.

I don't think we've ever gotten to grips with this bug. It bites some people every now and then.

12 hours ago, Dean said:

Strangely, installing Reno's admin theme has fixed everything.

Excellent! Glad you got it sorted ? 

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