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Track downloads


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There are multiple ways to do this. The "standard" approach I'd say would be event tracking using a JavaScript tracker. If you're already using some tracking system like Google Analytics or Matomo, you can do that by attaching an event listener to the download link / button and triggering an event (guides for Google Analytics and Matomo).

Of course, in this case the events will end up in your analytics software, not in the user page on your site (though if you are using some tracking software already this may be preferable). You can also roll your own version of this, by sending your JavaScript-triggered events to a custom API endpoint on your site that records the download for the current user (you can use the active session for this, or send the user ID alongside the event).

Another approach which completely avoids JavaScript is to not link to your downloads directly, but instead link to yet another custom endpoint which will (1) log the request and (2) serve the download manually. I have written a bit about manually serving downloads here and here.

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1 hour ago, entschleunigung said:

but unfortunately
i can't realize my intention with it.

Why not?

Once you have the user-ID and the document he/she wants to download, you can write this into fields of your (user) page(s).

If you want to show a user his/her history, simply prepare and render the stored data from the user page.

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Here's an example of a basic module to store each download as a row on a separate table. I hope it can be useful somehow ?


<?php namespace ProcessWire;

class ExternalDownloadCounter extends WireData implements Module

    public static function getModuleInfo()
        return array(
            'title' => __('External Download Counter'),
            'summary' => __('Adds external file download count mechanism.'),
            'singular' => true,
            'autoload' => false

     * Table created by this module
    const dbTableName = 'ext_download_count';

    public function countDownload($page_name, $resource_file, $selected_language)

        $table = self::dbTableName;

        $sql = "INSERT INTO $table SET path=:path, file=:file, file_language=:file_language, downloaded=NOW()";

        $query = $this->database->prepare($sql);
        $query->bindValue(":path", $page_name);
        $query->bindValue(":file", $resource_file);
        $query->bindValue(":file_language", $selected_language);

        try {

            wire('log')->save("download-counter", "New resource downloaded: /resources/".$page_name);

        } catch(\Exception $e) {
            // intentionally blank

    public function ___install()

        $len = $this->wire('database')->getMaxIndexLength();
        $table = self::dbTableName;

        $this->database->exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `$table` (
          `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
          `path` varchar($len) NOT NULL,
          `file` varchar($len) NOT NULL,
          `file_language` varchar(50) NULL,
          `downloaded` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
          PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
          INDEX `path` (`path`)
        ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ;");

        wire('log')->save("download-counter", "Module installed");


     * Uninstall
    public function ___uninstall()
        $db = $this->wire('database');
        $table = self::dbTableName;
        $new_table = $table.'_'.date("Y_m_d");

        // $this->database->query("DROP TABLE " . self::dbTableName);
        $this->database->exec("RENAME TABLE `$table` TO `$new_table`");




And here's how to call it from your template, form hook etc.:

$download_counter = wire('modules')->get("ExternalDownloadCounter");
$download_counter->countDownload($page_name, $resource_file, $selected_language);


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16 hours ago, horst said:

Why not?

I'm sorry, maybe I expressed myself a bit unlucky, because what moritz wrote is certainly good and right.  it's rather due to my own failings ?
i'm trying to solve it now by adding the filename of the pdf file to a repeater field in the user template using jquery and ajax.


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