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Increase counter field


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I got a template that shows a linklist in tabs. I would like to increase a integer field by 1 when the user clicks on the link.

Is it possible to get the value of that field and add 1 to it and save it to the database?

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basic example / ideas:

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function (event) {
    const trackedLinks = document.querySelectorAll("#content a"); // adjust selector as needed
    trackedLinks.forEach(function (n) {
        n.addEventListener("click", function (e) {
            const href = e.target.getAttribute('href');
            // api = special page with tpl and URL-segments enabled:
            fetch(`/api/linktracker/?url=${href}` , {
                method: "GET"
            window.location = href;

(That's vanilla JS / ES6)


if ($input->urlSegment1 === 'linktracker' && isset($_GET['url'])) {

    $url = trim($_GET['url'];

    // save to a textarea inside PW:
    $pg = $pages->get("123");
    $pg->linktracker = $pg->linktracker . "\n" . $url);

    // save to a custom DB table:
    $myDB = new PDO("mysql:dbname=linktracker;host=localhost", "root", "******",
    $trackLinkQuery = "UPDATE tablename SET click_count = click_count + 1 WHERE url=`$url`";
    $query = $myDB->prepare($trackLinkQuery);

    // udpate a text-file
    file_put_contents('path/to/file.log', $url);

    // if those links are saved inside repeaters or similar, add one int field that you can increment / update:
    $pg = $pages->get("123");
    $pg->linktracker = $pg->linktracker +1; // or whatever / wherever your field is....


These are 4 basic ways how you could handle it - there are certainly more ?

Hope that gives you some ideas.

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This is my code:


<div class="col-10-12">
  <div class="toptitle"><?php echo $page->title; ?></div>
  <div id="content" class="content">
    $n = 0;
    $tabStyle = "<style type='text/css'>";
    foreach($page->link_Top_Kategorie as $kategorie) {
    	if ($n == 1){
				echo "<input id='tab{$n}' type='radio' name='tabs' class='inputtab' checked>\n";
				$tabStyle .= "#tab{$n}:checked ~ .tabcontent #content{$n}";
			} else {
				echo "<input id='tab{$n}' type='radio' name='tabs' class='inputtab'>\n";
				$tabStyle .= ",#tab{$n}:checked ~ .tabcontent #content{$n}";
    	echo "<label for='tab{$n}' class='labeltab'>{$kategorie->link_Kategorie}</label>\n";
		$tabStyle .= "{display: block;}</style>";
    echo $tabStyle;

    <div id="tabcontent" class="tabcontent">
      $n = 0;
      foreach($page->link_Top_Kategorie as $kategorie) {
    		echo "<div id='content{$n}'><p>\n";
    			foreach($kategorie->link_Repeater as $content) {
    				$image = $content->link_Thumb;
    				echo "<table class='tablelist'><tbody>";
    				echo "<tr><td rowspan='3' class='tablelist_Image'><img src='{$image->url}' alt='{$image->description}' width='80' /></td>";
    				echo "<td class='tablelist_Name'><strong>{$content->link_Name}</strong></td></tr>";
    				echo "<tr><td class='tablelist_Content'>{$content->link_Content}</td></tr>";
    				echo "<tr><td class='tablelist_Name'><span style='float:left;width:49%;text-align:left;'><a href='{$content->link_Link}' target='_blank' rel='noreferrer noopener'>Link besuchen</a></span><span style='float:right;width:49%;text-align:right;'>{$content->link_Count} mal besucht</span></td></tr>";
    				echo "</tbody></table>";
    		echo "</p></div>";
			} ?>



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i am using $config->ajax to change only the content of a page.
Now the above solution is not working anymore because the page is not reloaded, so the Event Listener is not loaded.

Any Idee how to solve it?

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