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TinyMCE Font [Solved]


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I posted this on the end of another thread, but it is a bit far down on the list. :)

I need to enable font colour and font size on a field.

I have added to the tool bar, and that bit works.

I have added this to the valid elements -font[face|size|color]

I have added @[id|class|style]

However, when I use the buttons it changes the size,but it is not saving the change. And if you open the html on TinyMCE, it hasn't been added as a style to the element.

I have tried with and without the - in front of font, I have tried sticking "style" everywhere I can think of, I have tried changing the order - where I put the font group.

But nothing is working.

Any thoughts?



This has been solved by Ryan on another thread. Rather than use font[face|size|color], please use span[face|size|color]


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please use span[face|size|color]

I don't think that face, size or color are valid attributes with a <span> tag. It probably doesn't hurt anything to have them in your TinyMCE definition, but I think the only valid one you would need is "style". Is it really working with span[face|size|color], or do you have a span[style] in there too?

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Haven't tried face, but both size and colour work, as it does in normal css

Really, it would be nice if it added it to, for instance, the <p> tag, but I can't get it to do that. Checking one of my Joomla installations, it does the same thing:

<p><span style="color: #000000; font-size: 20px;>my words</span></p>

Shows how little I actually check the source of wysiwyg editors!!!

Be interesting to see what other editors do in this case - especially the jquery/html5 editors which is where I think we should be headed for basic editing.


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In TinyMCE, that span[style] just is a way of saying "allow a <span> tag with a style attribute." Since there aren't such things as a color, size or face attribute for a <span> tag, I think you can safely omit those and just specify span[style]. So that's all I was trying to say in the previous message, is that probably people need to specify span[style] rather than span[face|size|color] in their TinyMCE field. Though I could be wrong, as I've been fooled by TinyMCE many times before.

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