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Key icon to indicate different access settings (P21)


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I noticed nice little touch that Ryan had added to the latest build: lock icon on pagelist. I first thought that it means pages that have different access management than it's parent's, but it is indicating locked pages.

So, it would be great to have on top of that also Key-icon for pages that have different access management than their parent. Any thoughts?

Here is screenshot how it works now, so there could be new key icon with same style, if there is different access settings.


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Sounds like a good idea to me. I'm just not yet sure how best to implement. For instance, if I did this on the site I'm working on now, I've got 5k+ pages under /villas/ and all of them would have the key icon because their access is different from the parent. Maybe that's okay... going to try some things.

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Sounds like a good idea to me. I'm just not yet sure how best to implement. For instance, if I did this on the site I'm working on now, I've got 5k+ pages under /villas/ and all of them would have the key icon because their access is different from the parent. Maybe that's okay... going to try some things.

Hmm.. maybe it key icon should appear only if viewing rights are changed?

This is very minor thing, but nice little touch like lock-icon (although we do not want to end up with tons of mysterious tiny icons).

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just added this to the 2.1 source. Once I got it in there and started using it, I realized locks and keys with unrelated purposes are probably confusing. Plus, now that we've had it there for a couple months, I don't know how useful it really is to show the "locked" status of a page in the PageList. What you proposed with showing pages that remove access is a lot more useful to see in the PageList. So I've dropped the 'locked' status and have re-purposed the lock icon to show pages that remove 'guest' access. Also added a corresponding 'unlock' icon that shows pages that add guest access under a tree that's already locked.

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