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Limit Date/Time Picker to future


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Hi guys,

I added a date-time field to a template that will initiate some scheduled stuff by a cron.

However I would like to check if the date and time the editor has chosen is in the future (in fact it should be at least 30min into the future). And through out a validation error if the date/time is not valid in this way.

Any help how to hook into the validation process? Or is there a way to limit the date picker in this way in advance, before the page would be saved?

Cheers and thanks for any input


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You can add your own validation with a small hook in site/ready.php.

wire()->addHookAfter("InputfieldDatetime::processInput", null, "validateFuture");

function validateFuture(HookEvent $event) {
    $field = $event->object;
    // Make sure to enter the correct name of your field here:
    if($field->name == "crondate") {
    	// Compare field with current time plus 30s * 1000ms:
    	if($field->value < time() + 30000) {
    		$field->error("Date is not in the future!");

Adapting the datetimepicker isn't easy if possible at all.

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You might want to also validate the date when the page is saved as @BitPoet suggests, but it is possible to limit the datepicker to only future dates with some custom admin JS. The relevant option is minDate. The core sets the datepicker options on focus, so to ensure the custom option doesn't get overwritten I've found that the most reliable way to apply it is by using a beforeShow function.

For a Datetime field named "crondate":

$(function() {
	$('#Inputfield_crondate').on('focus', function() {
		$(this).datepicker('option', 'beforeShow', function() {
			return { minDate: 0 };



Edit: just noticed you want a minimum time also.

Try this:

$(function() {
	$('#Inputfield_crondate').on('focus', function() {
		$(this).datepicker('option', 'beforeShow', function() {
			return {
				minDate: 0,
				minDateTime: new Date(new Date().getTime() + 30 * 60000)


Edited by Robin S
Added minDateTime option
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