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PW panel - button click inside panel should close panel and run action in main window - possible?


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I have a PW panel with a button element inside. When this button is clicked, the panel should close and the button action (href is triggered via JavaScript) should be executed in the main window (from where the panel was opened). In the current state, when the button is clicked, the action is processed within the panel, which is not what I want.


Here is the button code:

        /** @var InputfieldSubmit $btn */
        $btn = $modules->get('InputfieldButton');
        $btn->attr('name', 'delete_discount');
        $btn->href = $this->snipWireRootUrl . 'discounts/?id=' . $item['id'] . '&action=delete_discount';
        $btn->aclass = 'DeleteDiscountButton';
        $btn->text = $this->_('Delete discount');
        $btn->icon = 'trash';
        $deleteButton = $btn->render();

Here is the JS part which is triggered when button is clicked:

    $('.DeleteDiscountButton').on('click', function(e) {
        var a_href = $(this).attr('href');
            function() {
                // dialogue OK click
                window.location.href = a_href;

Any hints on how this could be done?

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As the content of the panel is a totally different document (Iframe), than in the opening document your function has to be modified.

 $('.DeleteDiscountButton').on('click', function(e) {
        var a_href = $(this).attr('href');
            function() {
                // dialogue OK click
                window.parent.document.location.href = a_href;

The key is using window.parent.document, which refers to the document that opened  the panel.


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4 hours ago, Jens Martsch - dotnetic said:

As the content of the panel is a totally different document (Iframe), than in the opening document your function has to be modified.

 $('.DeleteDiscountButton').on('click', function(e) {
        var a_href = $(this).attr('href');
            function() {
                // dialogue OK click
                window.parent.document.location.href = a_href;

The key is using window.parent.document, which refers to the document that opened  the panel.

Great, this works - thank you!

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4 hours ago, Jens Martsch - dotnetic said:

If you don't need to support old browsers like IE, than it is also better to use "let" to define javascript variables.

I know Jens, but I'd like to use same references as PW uses. An PW is not yet on ECMAScript 6.

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