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WireMail error: Undefined index: replyToName


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I am testing some forms and get an error when using the replyToName() method:

Notice: Undefined index: replyToName in /XXX/XXX/Sites/processwire-new/wire/core/WireMail.php on line 319


I took a look at the documentation: https://processwire.com/api/ref/wire-mail/reply-to/

From the documentation I get the information that I CAN use a second argument - the "name". But it is optional. 

In my form code I don't do that. I just use the sender e-mail address as a single argument. But why is this error occuring?

When I use a second argument - any string - there are no errors at all. 


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I am using PW Version 3.0.98 together with WireMailSMTP 0.4.2.

My form code:

$mail->subject('Neue Nachricht über das Kontaktformular');
$mail->bodyHTML ($message);
$mail->logActivity("mail sent");
$numSent = $mail->send();

The variable $fromEmail contains the address that was given in the form.

I get this error:
Notice: Undefined index: replyToName in /XXX/XXX/Sites/processwire-new/wire/core/WireMail.php on line 319

The mail is sent successfully though.

This works fine:

 $mail->replyTo($fromEmail, 'foo');

But again, the second argument is optional. I don't want to use it.

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