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syntax error, unexpected '' (T_STRING)


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$out = "<div class='uk-grid-small uk-child-width-1-2@s uk-flex-center' uk-grid>";

foreach($page->children() as $program) { 
	$out .= "<div>";
	$out .= "<div class='uk-child-width-1-2@s' uk-grid>";

	if (count($program->images)) {
		$firstImage = $program->images->first();
		$firstImage->size(320, 240);
		$out .= "<div><img src='{$firstImage->url}' alt='{$firstImage->description}'></div>"; // Line 17 
	else {
	    $out .= "<div> </div>";
	$out .= "<div><p>$program->date</p><p>$program->headline</p><p>$program->body</p></div>";
	$out .= "</div></div>";

$out .= "</div>";

echo $out;


Can anyone please tell me why do I get syntax error, unexpected '' (T_STRING) on line 17?

Thank you.

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You have a lot of weird invisible characters in your code - this happens sometimes when you copy-and-paste from forums.

Luckily, good text editors / IDEs spot such stuff and give warnings.

I cleaned up your code and attached it here (together with two minor hints re: code)


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