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Server Error 500


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I am trying to install Process Wire.

When I run the install.php everything turns green in the compatibility check but under the Found GD2 I get the following error:

Unable to determine if Apache mod_rewrite (required by ProcessWire) is installed. On some servers, we may not be able to detect it until your .htaccess file is place. Please click the 'check again' button at the bottom of this screen, if you haven't already.

When I click on check again or continue with next step I get the Server Error 500.

I didn't change anything in the htaccess file.

Hope you could help me.



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from the suport of my hoster i got the following error send now:

[Mon Nov 19 13:19:54 2012] [alert] /srv/www/htdocs/web322/html/.htaccess: Options not allowed here, referer: http://web322.s01.savando.de/install.php

[Mon Nov 19 13:19:54 2012] [alert] /srv/www/htdocs/web322/html/.htaccess: Options not allowed here, referer: http://web322.s01.savando.de/install.php

[Mon Nov 19 13:19:54 2012] [alert] /srv/www/htdocs/web322/html/.htaccess: Options not allowed here, referer: http://web322.s01.savando.de/install.php

[Mon Nov 19 13:19:55 2012] [alert] /srv/www/htdocs/web322/html/.htaccess: Options not allowed here


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It seems to be that your hoster does not allow overrides for your webspace and it begins causing that error with the lines

(root .htaccess of processwire) 
Options -Indexes
Options +FollowSymLinks

You should convince your provider to set the apache configuration for your webspace to override the options, the apache option

AllowOverride should be at least FileInfo Indexes Limit or AllowOverride All

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