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about sitemap and google webmaster

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Hi, I linked my sitemap address (https://permaculturaorganica.info/sitemap/) on google webmaster, but it say me that the format is wrong because it's html format. So, how work well with google webmaster? https://search.google.com/search-console/

I think must change format and to have xml format, but how?



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Look like you are using the default "sitemap" page/template rendered by the renderNav function. FYI, it's just a template which render a dummy navigation.


If you want a sitemap.xml, you have to code it yourself, or use a module.

To get started, check this thread :


Modules :






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Ciao, oggi installo seomaestro e abilito la sitemap, ma il webmaster di Google non lo vede:


my site is: https://www.permaculturaorganica.info

Sitemap official: https://www.permaculturaorganica.info/sitemap

Sitemap Seomaestro: https://www.permaculturaorganica.info/sitemap.sm.xml but google webmaster don't accept it...





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