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Can I use the Fieldset name as API key?


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Hi folks,

I'm new to PW and have to say: I really like it! After 15 years of using WebsiteBaker or similar forks of it, I'm ready to switch to ProcessWire.

I'm handling the site-wide settings in a Fieldset-tab in home-page:


Can I use the Fieldset name as API key? Because currently on my installation, the name of the fieldset is not accessible as WireData/array and returns null:

$home = $pages->get('/');
echo $home->site_settings->site_title; // does not work, throws error because site_settings is null
echo $home->site_title; // does work

If configurable, I want the similiar API-behaviour of fieldset to access the child fields like with the repeater.

Thanks for your support.


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Fieldsets are only logical groups, but they don't change how data is stored/retrieved. Each field in a fieldset still is a direct child of the page and any nesting is only presentational. If you want nesting we have https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-3.0.73-and-new-fieldset-types/#fieldset-page-fieldtypefieldsetpage. This is real nesting with another page behind the scenes, which does also allow things like reusing a field in the "fieldset" as well as in the parent page.

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