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Use of TfaTotp Module (2 Factor Authentication) in custom login-forms

Dennis Spohr

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Hi all,

I have a custom login-page for my vistors and I want to implement a 2-factor authentication.

Looks like the TfaTotp-Module already has this functionality for the login-form of ProcessWire.
Can I use this module via the API for my custom login-form? How can I implement it?

I couldn't find any documentation.


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The TfaTotp module is not a core module so it won't be covered in the core docs. The base Tfa class is in the API docs here: https://processwire.com/api/ref/tfa/

There's no tutorial AFAIK but you can refer to the implementation in ProcessLogin and there is a basic usage example given in the comments for Tfa.php:

 * ~~~~~~
 * $tfa = new Tfa();
 * if($tfa->success()) {
 *   $session->redirect('after/login/url/');
 * } else if($tfa->active()) {
 *   echo $tfa->render();
 * } else if($input->post('submit_login')) {
 *   $name = $input->post('name');
 *   $pass = $input->post('pass');
 *   $tfa->start($name, $pass); 
 *   // the start() method performs a redirect if TFA is active for the user
 *   // place your regular code to login user here, which will be used if TFA is not active for the user
 * } else {
 *   // render login form
 * }

Also see the introductory blog post for info about how the TFA selection field is added to the user template: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-3.0.109-adds-two-factor-authentication/

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Moderator note: this is not a support board for a new module, so I'm moving it to the General Support area of the forum.

The "Modules/Plugins" section of the forum is for dedicated module support threads. If you have a general question regarding ProcessWire or "how to do [x] with ProcessWire", you should post it to the General Support area – or if it's a question regarding an existing module, check the "Support Board" link from the modules directory entry for that module and post your question to the linked thread instead.


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