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Shop-for-ProcessWire : Checkout throws 404


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Title says it all, really. I don't know what I have missed - all the modules are installed and set up, Checkout page exists and has the correct template etc.

I know it does work, because Luis has it working on his site. Can anyone offer any suggestions?

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Step 8. from readme:

Now you see "Continue to checkout" under your renderCart() output. Clicking that would result in page not found error. Shopping Checkout module creates system template called sc-checkout. You need to create corresponding template file. So create sc-checkout.php to your /site/templates/ folder. Only code you need to put there is: <?= $modules->get("ShoppingCheckout")->renderCheckout(); ?>

That being said, you do have sc-checkout.php on your temlates-folder?

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Thanks apeisa, I got the site 'done' over the weekend (enough to show it could be done, anyway).

It was an absolute breeze (apart from my daft cockup), and your modules are very impressive. Don't know if the site will ever go live, but if it does, I'll post a link.

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Not my day, today. Just transferred site to web server and had a couple of problems.

  • Everybody's favourite - 'unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM' at line 16 of PaymentAbstract.php, so I changed the '::' to '->' and that seems to have worked. (PHP version difference?)
  • DB ShoppingCart not found. It's shoppingcart on my dev system (Windows) but the server (Linux) appears to prefer ShoppingCart.

Am I likely to have broken anything? Is there anything else I need to do? (Everything does appear to work now.)

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