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Implementing custom Comments list and form


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Hey all, I am building a profile and would need someone to assist in implementing a custom markup for comments list and form.

What is needed:

1. Nested/Threaded comments with indent as per the original style. The reply button should appear even if the depth limit is reached but the comments would align to the last indent.

2. Votes - it is needed to allow only positive or negative votes per person per session (presently I can click on like and dislike at the same time and it does not fit the purpose)

3. Rating - to be showing on the comments listing as per the rating added during the comment submission.

4. Comment form to be styled as per the markup including a honeypot and akismet.

I do not have a big budget as this is a personal idea-project, but we could discuss it if anybody is interested. 

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Hello all. The job offer is withdrawn. I have no power to change the topic so just letting everyone know that I will try to find a way to do it myself or move on with the not nested/threaded comments.

Thanks to everyone quoting for the work but it is way beyond my budget to afford it. 

Best regards and happy coding.

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  On 3/26/2019 at 4:33 PM, MilenKo said:

I will try to find a way to do it myself or move on with the not nested/threaded comments.


Have you asked your questions in the forums to see if you can get help there?

  On 3/26/2019 at 2:14 AM, MilenKo said:

Nested/Threaded comments with indent as per the original style.


I'm not sure what you mean, so I could be off base here. Have you seen Dashboard Notes? I'm using a custom comments render and the comments/replies are indented.

If you have a topic, let's take this discussion there.

Edited by kongondo
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Hey @kongondo Thanks for the shared Dashboard Notes. I will review the code and see if I could implement it in my profile. I did had asked the question about the custom comment list in the FieldType Comment thread but also opened another topic in regards to the voting UP/Down. All I am trying to achieve is to learn how to build a custom markup implement any custom comment markup in any profile.

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