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How would I give user/member access to input content?


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I have a site that I am working on for my Church. I know there's FormBuilder but I'd like to try and tackle this without a module - but sometimes that is not possible I guess.

First: I came across plenty of links showing how to make forms via API but most seem out of date? 

Second: We'd like for our members to be able to register, sign in and share/update their favorite Bible verses. So that's my first goal: I came across this A Processwire module to login, logout and register users / members in the frontend. It hasn't been updated since Sept.2016.


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Not being updated that long time may indicate something stable... ?

I'm using Ryan's LoginRegister module for member registration:


You may create forms in a variety of ways, depending on your needs. FormBuilder is basically a wrapper around existing fields to handle the form submission like sending mails, storing form data into database or even into pages. Without FormBuilder you'll have to do this on your own. Either still using existing fields and process their input or using native HTML markup.

This basically depends on what you like to provide to your users. If its pure text input, you may want to go with plain vanilla html. If you intend to provide something more complex like rich text editor, using existing fields is probably easier to handle.

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23 hours ago, Autofahrn said:

Not being updated that long time may indicate something stable... ?


ha, good point amigo!


23 hours ago, Autofahrn said:

If its pure text input, you may want to go with plain vanilla html

This will most likely be my route.


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I am developing this site on an installation of WAMP SERVER on Windows 10.

I need some help and guidance.


Using Ryans module (https://modules.processwire.com/modules/login-register/) I want to test new user registrations: 

I've tried both WireMailSwiftMailer and WireMailSmtp modules but I think I need a SMTP server on my Windows machine? 

I Googled a bit and found https://www.hmailserver.com/ I downloaded, installed and configured. TONS of settings and configurations. I followed the wiki guide but was not able to get either of the above modules to connect to the SMTP server. I tested each and both had errors connecting to SMTP.

I even tried using my Gmail as SMTP - found a simple guide, but the modules kept saying I had the incorrect email/pass combination (which is inaccurate).

Also tried http://mailslurper.com/ It has a terminal/command-line interface and was far simpler to set up, but still, I couldn't get the modules to connect without error.

Finally I found https://mailtrap.io/ and was able to get WireMailSmtp to successfully connect - 'SUCCESS! SMTP settings appear to work correctly.' but I find no email in the address I used to create the new user account using Ryans module (login-register). I checked spam folder and nothing is there.

I am absolutely stumped and wish there was a simpler way!


I don't need the complexities of an email server for my development. Never needed it. And I am wondering, when 'Signing Up' using the Register Form, it outputs, '

Thank you, a confirmation code has been emailed to you. When you receive the email, click the link it contains, or paste the confirmation code below.

Is there just a way that I can view that confirmation code? Either on the backend or output to the page itself so I can skip the headaches of setting up an SMTP server?
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