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Function uikit.php


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Hello everybody!

I use the Regular blog site profile as my starter template for my new website. I also use the included uikit.php with reusable functions.

But I have one question to this uikit.php. If render an ukAlert the close trigger is not working. If i hard code the alert box, everything is working fine.

Here is the code I use (it is not modified and is provided by the Regular blog site profile):

 * Render a uikit alert box
 * @param string $html Text/html to display in the alert box
 * @param string $type Specify one of: success, primary, warning, danger or leave blank for none. 
 * @param string $icon Optionally specify a uikit icon name to appear in the alert box. 
 * @return string
function ukAlert($html, $type = '', $icon = '') {
	$out = $type ? "<div class='uk-alert-$type uk-alert'><a class='uk-alert-close' uk-close></a><p>" : "<div data-uk-alert><a class='uk-alert-close' uk-close></a>";
	if($icon) $out .= ukIcon($icon) . ' ';
	$out .= $html . "</p></div>";
	return $out; 

 * Render a success alert, shortcut for ukAlert('message', 'success'); 
 * @param string $html
 * @param string $icon
 * @return string
function ukAlertSuccess($html, $icon = '') {
	return ukAlert($html, 'success', $icon); 

 * Render a primary alert, shortcut for ukAlert('message', 'primary');
 * @param string $html
 * @param string $icon
 * @return string
function ukAlertPrimary($html, $icon = '') {
	return ukAlert($html, 'primary', $icon);

 * Render a warning alert, shortcut for ukAlert('message', 'warning');
 * @param string $html
 * @param string $icon
 * @return string
function ukAlertWarning($html, $icon = '') {
	return ukAlert($html, 'warning', $icon);

 * Render a danger alert, shortcut for ukAlert('message', 'danger');
 * @param string $html
 * @param string $icon
 * @return string
function ukAlertDanger($html, $icon = '') {
	return ukAlert($html, 'danger', $icon);

Here is the code in the template:

			// did we find any matches?
			if(count($matches)) {
				// yes we did, render them
				echo ukAlert("Found $matches->count page(s)", "default", "check");
				echo ukDescriptionListPages($matches);
			} else {
				// we didn't find any
				echo ukAlert("Sorry, no results were found.", "danger", "warning");

May someone have the answer to this!

Thanks in advance!

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I have found it! It was my mistake!!!

In this function 

function ukAlert($html, $type = '', $icon = '') {
	$out = $type ? "<div class='uk-alert-$type uk-alert'><a class='uk-alert-close' uk-close></a><p>" : "<div data-uk-alert><a class='uk-alert-close' uk-close></a>";
	if($icon) $out .= ukIcon($icon) . ' ';
	$out .= $html . "</p></div>";
	return $out; 

I have forgot to add uk-alert <div class='uk-alert-$type uk-alert' uk-alert>

function ukAlert($html, $type = '', $icon = '') {
	$out = $type ? "<div class='uk-alert-$type uk-alert' uk-alert><a class='uk-alert-close' uk-close></a><p>" : "<div data-uk-alert><a class='uk-alert-close' uk-close></a>";
	if($icon) $out .= ukIcon($icon) . ' ';
	$out .= $html . "</p></div>";
	return $out; 


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