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CKEditor add extra H1 button?


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I'm new, in every aspect.  I want to boost CKEditor a little: add some extra button H1,H2,H3.  (So, one step less than clicking "format" dropdown.)

I've seen this thread: Customise CKEditor toolbar per role

So I tried creating a /site/ready.php , inside which:

$this->addHookBefore('Field(name=my_ckeditor_field)::getInputfield', function(HookEvent $event) {
    $field = $event->object;
    // Add extra buttons for superuser only
    if($this->user->isSuperuser()) $field->toolbar .= ', Table, TextColor, h3';

Apparently it's wrong, backend home page doesn't load any more, other backend pages have this text before header, and "h3" button doesn't show, and "table" and "textcolor", neither.

Maybe this is a dumb question? Please help.

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2 hours ago, Autofahrn said:

Does your ready.php start with

<?php namespace ProcessWire;

And to have the H buttons you'll need some more code (maybe plugin) which can be triggered from the toolbar reference.



Thank you very much!

I'll try to learn about CKE addon.

Now I add 

<?php namespace ProcessWire;

but why "Table, TextColor" still don't show? Did I miss something else?

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Glad you get it running. In the end its not that complicated, but the dependancies need to be understood first. I know....

And, yes, toolbar entries are case sensitive (no need for an additional line, you may place the buttons anywhere), and sometimes you'll need to read the code in plugin.js to find the string you have to put in.

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15 hours ago, Autofahrn said:

Glad you get it running. In the end its not that complicated, but the dependancies need to be understood first. I know....

And, yes, toolbar entries are case sensitive (no need for an additional line, you may place the buttons anywhere), and sometimes you'll need to read the code in plugin.js to find the string you have to put in.

Thanks again, I appreciate it!

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